Quick Guide to Full-Time HE Student Finance

You can find loads of up to date information and guides documents at The Student Room website.

Universities and colleges can charge up to £9,250 a year for courses. You won’t need to pay these fees upfront if you’re from England and studying for your first degree or other higher education qualification.

Find out more at https://www.gov.uk/student-finance or The Student Room finance section.

Student finance

You’ll probably be eligible for the following help if you’re a full-time student:

  • a loan to pay your tuition fees
  • loans to help pay for your living costs
  • extra help, eg scholarships and bursaries

Any Questions?

If you are an existing East Durham College student please contact our Careers Co-ordinator in Student Services (Peterlee) if you have any questions about student finance in relation to higher education and university. You can call the Careers Advice Team on 0191 518 8282.

Any questions?

Please use the enquiry form below or call Student Services on 0191 518 8222 to discuss your options.

General Enquiry

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