Student Competitions

Taking part in student competitions is a fantastic way to develop your practical skills, enhance your CV, raise your profile with employers and gain valuable skills and confidence while having fun.

There are loads of regional, national and even international competitions open to our students.

Competition Examples

Our students have taken part in a mind-boggling range of competitions over recent years. From the hair and beauty students competing at the annual Association of Hairdressers and Therapists (AHT) regional and national finals to our Floristry team competing at the Harrogate Flower Show and the WorldSkills. Our sports teams compete in leagues and cup competitions through to our construction students taking make in the North East Colleges' Inter-college Competitions.

The college places an extremely high importance on competitions being an integral part of college life here at EDC - and here are just a few reasons why.

Show your talent

Expressing your talents in school can be a challenging task for many students. Exams and group assignments often fail to capture the unique skills of students or accurately measure their ability to apply skills to real-world problems.

On the other hand, participating in a competition organised by the college, a company, industry bodies, a university or other organisations can provide a new opportunity to showcase your talent and apply your skills to real-life cases and problems.

The rewards of student competitions, whether tangible or otherwise, can help you achieve your educational and professional goals.

Challenge yourself

Not everyone who enters a competition can win. However, even if you don't receive one of the big prizes, you can still benefit from the opportunity to challenge yourself. You will learn new things and develop new skills, and even if you don't win, you can still showcase what you've learned from the experience on your CV, in job applications and at interviews.

It's important to remember that your competition journey is a process, not just a destination. Any success or setback is just another stepping stone towards your goals. Therefore, no matter what the outcome, focus on what you have gained and how you can continue to develop.

Build those skills

Skills competitions help students to develop key employability skills such as: 

  • effective teamwork
  • communicating with others
  • working under pressure
  • being creative
  • problem-solving and 
  • time-management. 

You will also develop self-confidence and resilience, which are useful in your future careers.

And build your CV - the fun way!

Participating in a student competition can be a great way to distinguish yourself from others and enhance your CV, both traditionally and through your social media accounts. Display your accomplishments on LinkedIn and Instagram to showcase your achievements. You can expect an influx of likes and perhaps even a job offer as a result.


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